When a pool is leaking, water may drain out fast, and you may not be able to enjoy a swim for long. Therefore, you need swimming pool leak detection services to determine whether your pool is leaking. Here are the indicators that your swimming pool is leaking.
Over time, your pool may develop cracks which may be escape points for your water. The bond cracks may form when the pool settles into soft ground or when your pool encounters physical damage. However, some cracks may be invisible, and you may not realize their presence until swimming pool leak detection services inspect your pool. The experts check your pool's interior and exterior using advanced technology. When the professionals identify the cracks, they quickly seal up the cracks with adhesive to prevent further cracking, which may risk your pool's collapse.
High Water Bill
If your water bill rises significantly and your indoor water supply and plumbing system are intact, then your swimming pool may have a leakage. Any holes or cracks in the pool facilitate the escape of water, and you may lose many liters of water over time. You should call swimming pool leak detection professionals to check whether your pool is the cause of your increased water bill.
Water Pooling
When you notice water pooling around your swimming pool, and there has been no downpour, that's an indication of leakage. Also, you may be dealing with an underground leak if the ground around your pool is mushy and uneven. Swimming pool leak detection services can help you locate the exact leakage points and seal them to prevent further leakage.
Chemical Level Fluctuations
Swimming pool chemicals are essential for killing bacteria and maintaining the correct water pH. Sudden change in the chemical levels in the water indicates possible leakage because the leaking water may carry away some chemicals. Hence, you may need to keep refilling the pool with more water and adding more chemicals. Therefore, get swimming pool leak detection professionals to check the cause of the fluctuations. If the professionals confirm leakage, they can usually fix the problem instantly.
Water Level Change
Changes in your pool's water levels may be due to leakage. Hopefully, the change in water levels is due to evaporation, which is likely during high temperature and low humidity seasons. However, swimming pool leak detection experts need to confirm if there is a leak or not to be sure.
Water pooling, water level changes, chemical level changes, increased water bills and cracks are indicators that your swimming pool is leaking.
Contact a swimming pool leak detection service for more information.