When you think about a plunge pool, you probably think about a small, in-ground pool that you can jump into when you want to cool down. Some people may see the appeal in this scenario, but also wonder if this type of pool is right for them. For example, you might like the idea of being able to cool down, but being concerned about how the small size of this pool isn't conducive to swimming or playing various water games. It's important to be aware of the many different things you can do in a plunge pool, even if it's small. Here are three things to enjoy while you're in the water.
While it's true that you can't swim laps in a plunge pool, you can certainly get plenty of exercise. Even in a small pool, there are lots of exercises you can do. Some people may enjoy water-based cardio, which is generally a popular option for those who have joint pain. The water's buoyancy won't worsen your pain as you walk or jog in place and perform other cardio activities. You can also buy some foam or plastic water weights to perform strength-training exercises in your plunge pool, all while standing in one spot.
If you work from home or you're an entrepreneurial-minded person who is always working on a new project, it can be fun to think about occasionally working in your plunge pool. Instead of sitting at your desk, you can take your laptop computer and laptop stand outside. Get into the pool, making sure to keep your hands dry, set the laptop and stand on the edge of the pool deck, and tackle your latest project. Feeling cool and refreshed while you work may help you feel more creative and enjoy what you're doing more.
There are all sorts of different ways to relax in a plunge pool. This isn't a pool that you simply jump into, cool off, and then get out. Think about the ways that you enjoy relaxing, and consider how many of these activities can work in a plunge pool. Sitting on the ledge of the pool while you listen to music on a portable wireless speaker can be fun, for example. You can also take a book or an e-reader outside and read while you sit in the water. If these activities appeal to you, contact a pool company to inquire about in-ground plunge pools.
For more information on an inground swimming pool, contact a professional near you.