
Is Your Swimming Pool Leaking? Here Are The Four Main Culprits

A pool is said to be leaking if it loses more water than regular evaporation. If you suspect or are sure that your pool is leaking, the next step is to identify the source of the leak. While losing pool water may not seem like a big deal, it can dramatically affect water efficiency in your home. Also, if the leak is located around the pool's foundation, it can cause the soil to shift.

4 Common Pool Maintenance Mistakes (And How To Avoid Them)

Whether you've recently purchased a home with a swimming pool or you are looking to have one installed on your property, keeping your pool properly maintained is a must. There's a lot involved with day-to-day pool maintenance, which is why many homeowners opt to hire professional pool care services as a time-saving measure. Even with a pool care professional handling the more complex aspects of maintaining your pool, however, there are some common mistakes you'll want to avoid.

3 Things You Should Know Before Contacting A Pool Builder

Calling a pool builder is an important step if you want to install your own pool. Before the pool contractor comes out to your home, though, you may want to know the things below so that you can start your conversation off right with the pool builder that you are thinking about hiring. 1. How Much You Want to Spend on a Swimming Pool You may not want to wait until your pool builder is there to determine how much you want to spend on a swimming pool.

Signs Your Pool May Have A Slow Leak

Pool leaks have a way of sneaking up on you. All too often, homeowners do not realize their pool has a leak until it's quite large, which means a ton of water gets wasted in the meantime. If you know what to look for, however, you can grow suspicious of possible leaks earlier on and then contact a pool leak detection service to come pinpoint them. Here are a few signs you need to make that call.

Tips For Winterizing Your Hot Tub

Have a hot tub that is going to remain outside during the winter without being used? If so, you'll want to know how to winterize the hot tub so that it is protected. Here are some tips for performing this task on your own. Shut Down The Power Start by shutting off all power going to your hot tub, since you do not want to accidentally turn the hot tub on in the middle of trying to winterize it.